Specialists in new and vintage Engine Servicing and Repairs

Engine servicing
Engine Mount change
Drive plate sizing and changing
belt change
alternator testing and repair
head gasket change
diesel & oil leaks
top end rebuild
bottom end rebuild
cylinder boring and oversizing
bearing replacement
- What ever your job may be - we have you covered! All these jobs and many more are carried out throughout the year.
We will service anything and everything but we have specialist experience with the following Marine engine units.
Barrus Shire - With over 70 new installations in our own boats and more than 10 engine replacements. We are fully trained Barrus agents.
Beta Marine - Having covered all the servicing requirements for a fleet of 42 timeshare boats for 10 years all fitted with Beta engines, we have a good track record
Isuzu - Although the Isuzu Marine is not available any more we have installed them in the past and know the engine
B.M.C 1.5/1.8 - The Classic BMC, we have stripped and rebuilt numerous. Servicing, head gaskets, injector testing etc.
Lister JP - One of the Vintage Canal Engines, we look after 5 of these on a regular basis and have experience in fault finding, operation and rebuilding.
Lister H series - Air or water cooled we have a good History, including years of operation, strip down and service.
Russell Newbury (10% discount to RNR Members) - Service and Parts available and one of our engineers has one in his own boat!
Bolinder BM - The Classic sound of the bolinder engine. By some we are considered the bolinder experts. With 5 of these engines in operation we have built, stripped down and repaired just about everything that can be done.
........................................to name a few!
If your engine doesn't appear on the list, then give us a call. Chances are we have experience in servicing it and have the filters or parts on the shelf.